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Page 12

  “I would not be happy.” There in the doorway stood a man, but at the same time a wolf, a man-wolf. It took all of my will power not to pull my guns. Carmen and Terry had the same thought; both of them were easing their hands away from their guns. He stood on his hind legs making him well over seven feet tall. His hands gripped the doorframes. He still had fingers but the hands were much larger than any humans. He could grip my whole head with one of those hands. The fingers were an extended length with sharp black claws on each. He was covered in dark brown fur, and his eyes were not human, they were the pale blue of the sky on a summer’s afternoon, so very cold and intimidating. Beneath the eyes, was a stub of a snout it was not as long as a wolf’s would have been. I managed to peel my eyes off the beast and looked at the other wolves still in the room. Both of them stood there heads bowed staring at the floor. “Now what is all this about?” He said fully entering the room. Standing up fully I could see that where Ken dolls lack anatomy wolves did not, it was a tad distracting. His voice was too human not to be eerie coming from him, but too wolf growling to be comforting.

  “This pup thought that he would reprimand me!” Simon spoke. There was still too much anger in his voice. Even I’m not stupid enough to speak that way to something that looks like that. Johnny didn’t say anything. I couldn’t tell if he was keeping a cool head or just scared shitless. If it was me, I’d be scared shitless and I am man enough to admit that.

  “Yes I know.” The wolf-man said. “I could hear you in Amun’s chambers.”

  He was now standing right over the man. I didn’t realize I had done so, but I’d made my way slowly across the room and now stood next to Carmen and Terry, watching the scene unfold before us. “Simon, you know the laws of vampires. And you are to obey them while we are their guests. You have embarrassed me tonight. Leave us now.” Without another word he bolted out of the shop. He went down on one knee in front of Johnny whose face still pointed at the floor. One of those massive clawed hands gripped Johnny under his chin gently lifting up his head to meet those wolf eyes. “Did you challenge him?”

  “No. I spoke out of my place and against him. He is my elder and I was wrong.” His eyes held no fear as he spoke.

  The corners of wolfman’s mouth pulled back. It almost looked like he was trying to smile, I couldn’t really tell with him being furry and such. “You did what was right, pup. You know the laws of our hosts better than most of the pack. You knew I would be upset by Simon’s actions and you did what was right. You’ve shown your loyalty to both of your masters. I am proud of you, Jonathan. Now rise and introduce our esteemed guests to me.”

  He did as he was told. He was dwarfed by the wolf-man. “My lord, allow me to introduce Miss Carmen Piper, Mr. Terry Goodspeed, and Mr. Vincent Black.” He presented us with an outstretched hand as he spoke our names. “My friends, this is my wolf-king and highest of my masters, Lord Rogers, I serve him above and before any others.”

  None of us were sure what to do. Our eyes must have looked like they were trying to push their way out of our heads. “I’m not sure if we should bow or shake your hand.” Though I was unsure of what action I should have taken, I made a slight bow. Carmen and Terry followed my example. I didn’t know when I took command of this crew of ours.

  A low growl came from deep in his throat. I thought we were in deep shit. When his lips pulled back the way they had when he was speaking to Johnny, I realized he was laughing the translation was lost due to interference of being fuzzy. Ain’t that a ten-yard penalty? “Since you are not pack you may call me Michael, if you’d prefer, as my pack does when we are not being so formal. Your reputations precede you; it is nice to finally meet you all. However, I would not suggest shaking my hand while I am in this state, it could prove to be dangerous due to your fragile bodies. Wounds from claw or tooth, even the smallest, may cause you, too, to join my ranks. But please Amun waits for us. We have already spent enough time dealing with the unpleasant actions of Simon.”

  Together we made our way down the stairwell to Amun’s dwelling. More vampires were awake in the underground hideaway than had ever been on our previous visits. They were all silent as we walked past following the beast of a man that had to duck under every doorway. And I could feel each one of their gazes on us. Each one of them had a distinct personality, but all of them were curious about us, mostly about me. Amun was not in the conference room as he had been on the past two visits. This time he was in a private study, I assumed it was his. We had to go to an upper level to access the room. The next level matched the lower in décor except things were much more personalized. The room where Amun waited was filled with candles and books surrounding a large elegantly carved wood desk and seating area. Amun raised his head from the book lying open in front of him. “Sorry for the interruption Amun.” Michael said, “Might I implore you for the use of your shower?”

  “By all means, my friend. I will entertain our guests.” Michael picked up a pile of discarded clothes lying on the floor.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll make this fast.” Then he left through another door.

  “Shower?” I asked.

  “It is a bit of a mess when they change back to human form.” He closed the book in front of him. “Please sit.” He rose from the desk. I didn’t like that there was nowhere to sit without having a door to my back. I decided that I’d rather watch the door that allowed more people in than just Michael. “I asked you all here to meet Lord Rodgers, and learn about our brothers. We had wished for a more civilized meeting but what’s done is done. He had to take care of his wolves as I have to care of my vampires.”

  “I’ve never seen a wolf like that.” Terry said as he sat next to Carmen and me.

  A small laugh escaped Amun. “That doesn’t surprise me, Mr. Goodspeed. Not many humans have. And those that have are dead, a wolf, or other animal, or they are not the type to give such information to The Guild. I am not the one to give you these lessons. Michael, I am sure will be more than happy to answer all of your questions. It is good to see you back so soon, Mr. Goodspeed. I hadn’t hoped for such a speedy return. Another of my kind lay to rest as ash on the wind?” Terry didn’t answer, I was puzzled by the look on his face but Amun understood it. “There is no need to hide what you have done. I have no doubt that The Guild did not send you to kill anyone that did not deserve it. There are many among us that forget their place and become too greedy with their feeding. I am sure that this vampire was no exception. Had he lived under my house he would have suffered the same fate.” Terry was grinning. I didn’t think he felt shame or guilt but I understood what Amun’s point was. “The Guild does have its place in the world. It has policed my kind when it’s needed. You serve a purpose, Mr. Goodspeed. I thank you for putting an end to whoever forgot the laws.”

  “It’s,” His grin turned to a smile, “a pleasure. There is no need to thank me.”

  “Is it safe to assume that you have been told our current position?” Amun still spoke to Terry.

  “Yeah, I’ve been updated to all the recent events.”

  He looked like he had more news to tell us. He sat looking deep in thought without saying anything for a moment. “Perhaps not all recent events.” His eyes turned to Carmen. “A short while after you left I received more information about your father.” Carmen sat forward in her seat, anxious to hear. By the look on his face I didn’t think it was bad news. “You can ease your worries, Miss Piper. Your father is being kept alive, and in good health. For what purpose I do not know, at this time our only option is to wait though.”

  “Where are you getting this inside information? Who is your source?” Carmen demanded, stepping up to Amun.

  His eyes dropped to the floor. He knew we needed to know but he didn’t want to tell us. “I suppose you need to know, it is your right. I only fear that the source of information may dissuade you from taking the information as truth.”

  I didn’t like where he was going with this. “You said you had an inside m
an, didn’t you?” I asked.

  “Female actually, but yes, I have an inside source.” He clasped his hands together resting them on his crossed knees. “I believe that I must tell you about the Council a little more for you to understand why I take the informant at her word. Also you must understand that a master vampire can always read the truth in someone’s voice. No matter how well their minds are locked.”

  “Then let’s hear it.” Terry’s voice held distrust to it.

  “The Council is very petty. They may be united as the governing body of the vampires but they are constantly manipulating and betraying one another. Never directly, that would cause an opening for war between them, which is one thing they can’t afford.” I’d never heard of that! Governments fighting within themselves; that is just weird. “Do you understand what I mean?”

  “Yeah,” I said, “your informant is another Council member.”

  A smug grin pulled at his face. “Yes.”

  “Well that’s just fucking lovely.” I shook my head. He opened his mouth to reiterate his point. “I know what you mean, Amun. I do. But I don’t have to like the idea.” The looks on Carmen and Terry’s faces showed that they agreed.

  “No one said you had to like it. However, Mr. Black, I believe we must take what we can get at this point.” Ah fuck, he was right. All this political shit was really getting on my nerves. I liked it when I could just walk in and shoot someone in the head. It was so much easier that way. “Unfortunately, she is merely toying with us and Sir Piper’s captives. The information she’s given is incomplete. She will not tell us who has taken him or where. Only that he is alive and in Europe. She wants us to fight but she doesn’t want to be blamed for helping.”

  I ran my hands through my hair. I was quickly becoming frustrated with the situation. I didn’t like being toyed with for some sadistic pleasure of a Council member. “Who is it?” I wanted to at least know the name of the vampire that took such joy in dicking us around.

  “The name won’t mean anything to you.” The look in my eyes let him know I wouldn’t back down on this one. “Very well, her name is Selket. She is old and very powerful.”

  He was right the name meant nothing to me. The Guild didn’t even know the names of the Council members. But I had wanted to know and now I did. “Do you know her?” Carmen asked.

  “Yes, Miss Piper, I know all twelve of the Council members.”

  Twelve? “Didn’t you say that the strongest thirteen covens aligned to make the Council?”

  “I did. But you misunderstood. Thirteen started the Council one of those, however, did not last.”

  “What do you…” I stopped mid-question, Michael was returning. The door behind us opened.

  “Sorry about that.” He had a British accent that had been hidden by the harsh growling wolfish overtones. I guess an elongated jaw line makes it hard to speak understandably. We turned to see Michael in human form. As a human he only stood six feet, though he was well built on a strong frame. It was odd to think that a man not much broader than me, and a few inches shorter had become the beast we’d met. He wore only a pair of dress pants. In his hands was a shirt that would never be worn again along with socks and shoes. He was ringing water out of his hair, it was the same deep brown as the fur he had in wolf form, as he leaned on the arm of the sofa Amun sat on. “What did I miss?”

  “I was just informing our guests about the Council.”

  A small shudder ran through Michael at their mention. His power swelled in the room. “A bunch of fucking blood thirsty bastards, the whole lot of them.” He looked up at me. His eyes were too pale and too bright to be human. They were the coldest blue I’d ever seen. They must have been a side effect of being what he was.

  “I take it you don’t have much love for the Council?” I asked.


  “I thought it best for you to enlighten them on your kind.” Amun broke in distracting Michael from this somewhat touchy subject. With my eyes fixed on Michael, I wondered what his beef with the Council was. There was something personal in his expression. His hatred wasn’t on principal he had been wronged somehow.

  He settled down. His power returned to a tolerable level. I found it odd that his power and energy was much more prominent then Amun’s or maybe Amun was just better at controlling it. Where rage had been a moment before, a polite smile now rested on his face. “Thank you.”

  He hesitated, “Mr. Goodspeed was interested in your amazing half-breed form.”

  He allowed a small chuckle to escape. “Right, most people are interested in that,” He laughed again, “or scared shitless. There are not many who get to see what you saw. Most shifters simply look like a larger version of their full-animal brethren. I am wolf-king, as coven masters are to vampires, I am to wolves.” Wow a lesson on a new culture every time I come here. “I still have the ability to turn full wolf.” He again hesitated. He wasn’t sure where to go. “I’ll get to that,” he continued. “Shape shifters… an odd bunch we are. I hope you do not expect any type of medical reasoning for there is little to give. There are many different forms of shifters, all of which are predators. Some types are more common than others, wolves being the most common and oldest race. All lycanthropes are made by inflicting a non-fatal wound to a human by tooth or sometimes claws if our blood somehow meets the open wound. When we are strong enough to control our beasts, when we can call the power that draws us to our animal, we can shift on command. However it is very draining for those of us that are not so strong if we change back too quickly. I believe you all witnessed this when Johnny did not wake upon your arrival a few weeks ago.” He must have changed back into human form shortly before we’d shown up. “Even those as strong as me don’t go without an aftershock.” I thought about the full moon, if that had any effect on them. “Our packs are ranked by dominance, just as animals in the wild do we must fight for our positioning.

  “Our powers are not like those of vampires or witches or other creatures of darkness. Our powers are mostly physical. Other than the ability to shift our bodies we have no metaphysical gifts, unless we had them before the change.

  “We are tied either by force or by choice to vampires. Master vampires have the ability to call and control animals. Either work with the ones your willing too or be forced into it as slaves.”

  “Better to reign in hell…” it was beginning to sound too much like a lecture to me. Carmen sent the back of her hand flying into my chest. The look she gave me told me to knock it off.

  “Yeah, something like that, except I served in hell.” he said it smiling, “But you know nothing of hell, young one.” There was that pain in his voice as he spoke. It wasn’t anger at me or my comment but there was something deeply troubling in his life. I didn’t see how turning fuzzy once a month could be so horrible. I wouldn’t search his mind for answers, I was sure that he’d be able to block me even if I’d tried. Before I could apologize, he continued. “As kings we align our packs, pards, dens, or whichever beast you belong to, to vampires so that other vampires cannot interfere with our power over our young ones. Me, I have chosen Amun to fight beside. It is not servitude with him. And that means more than you could ever know.”

  I sat forward in the seat. “How…” I paused, feeling Carmen’s eyes drilling into the back of my head. Why did no one believe that I actually had valid questions?! “How does an alignment keep other vampires from taking over you and your pack?”

  His eyes shone with relief. Was I really the only one that thought I could hold my smartass tongue long enough to make an intelligent statement? Fuck. “I am, as most kings or queens, too powerful to be controlled by any vampire. It is our strength that helps our young. And having a master vampire as a companion adds to our power, allowing us to guard the young against the vampires that would enslave them. How we connect with the vampires and with our young, those are secrets that are not for your ears. Please understand. Few humans know as much as I have just told you, but we must not tel
l all of our secrets.” Damn did everyone in the world of wolves, bloodsuckers and hunters have fucking secrets? But could I fault any of them? In the real world, I was my secret. He stood up. “I’m sorry the quick shifts tonight have taken their toll, I must retire. Amun?”

  “Of course, you may take any guestroom you’d like. It is yours for as long as you need.”

  I stood before he made his way from the couch. “Michael, I hope that I did not offend you, sometimes my mouth runs in front of my head. I’m sorry for my comment.” At least I was getting a little better at the tact thing.

  “You needn’t fret.” He offered his hand. “I will take that handshake now.” I had no trouble with that. I grasped his open hand. After the way he had treated the situation in the shop, I could respect him. At the moment I took his hand, I felt a pressure against my mind. On the first twinge I strengthened my shields, which I still wasn’t very good at. I met his eyes, now locked on mine as our hands were to each other. This pressure was different than with Amun. I was beginning to notice that everyone had a certain taste. I opened up a little. “Do not fear what your gifts bring, you can master them. No matter what enemies you face, you can become stronger then both Amun and myself if you do not allow self-doubt to take its hold. We will talk again.” The mental tie was broken just as easily as we parted hands. “It was a pleasure to meet you all. I do look forward to killing off Council feed-lings with you if not the members themselves.” Then he left.

  “I too must cut our night short. I have other matters to attend to.” Amun rose to his feet. “Please allow me to walk you out.

  As we left most of the vampires were gone, to where I don’t know, hunting the streets? Jobs? Did vampires have jobs? Fuck if I knew. We walked in silence to Johnny’s shop.

  Outside the night was cold, much too cold for the living amongst us to feel comfortable. Amun had no problem with it, naturally. He took in the cold night, he looked more at ease then I’d ever seen him. He was at home in the quiet night with the crescent moon’s white light beaming down on him. I felt just the slightest rise of his power before he composed himself, “I truly love the night.”